姆明一族作者Tove Jansson一直致力推廣閱讀同寫作嘅樂趣。近年芬蘭同英國嘅Moomin Characters 公司仲喺每年嘅9月8日舉行Read Hour活動,鼓勵大家拎起心愛嘅書、雜誌或漫畫,靜靜享受1小時嘅閱讀時光。大家都不妨響應活動一齊睇書,然後hashtag #ReadHour 畀大家知吖!
姆明好依靠書本去學習唔同嘅知識,喺《Moominpappa in Moomin and the Sea (1957)》入面,姆明就透過《Guide to the sea》了解咩係救生衣、指南針同風速儀。
《Moomin’s Desert Island》,姆明媽媽喺架船上面搵到個圖書館,仲好興奮攤晒啲書喺地下嚟睇,例如有園藝書《How to plant a garden》,Self -help類《How to be Happy》,切合佢顧家又務實嘅形象。
充滿冒險精神嘅姆明爸爸最鍾意睇小說,尤其是犯罪小說,特別鍾情英國偵探小說家Agatha Christie嘅作品。鐘意睇小說嘅你不妨都搵佢嘅佢品嚟睇吓啦!
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【September 8th Read Hour|What do the Moomins read?】
Tove Jansson, the author of the Moomin series, has always been dedicated to promoting the enjoyment of reading and writing. In recent years, the Moomin Characters company in Finland and the United Kingdom has held an annual Read Hour event on September 8th, encouraging everyone to pick up their favorite books, magazines, or comics and enjoy a quiet hour of reading. You can join the event by reading a book and using the hashtag #ReadHour to let everyone know!
If you are a fan of the Moomin series, you may have noticed that books frequently appear in different stories, and the characters each have their own favorite types of books, highlighting their unique personalities.
Moomintroll relies heavily on books to learn various knowledge. In "Moominpappa in Moomin and the Sea (1957)", Moomintroll read "Guide to the Sea" to learn what life jackets, compasses, and anemometers are.
In "Moomin's Desert Island", Moominmamma ecstatically spreads books across the floor to read. Among her favorites are gardening books like "How to Plant a Garden" and self-help books like "How to be Happy", perfectly aligned with her nurturing and pragmatic nature.
Adventure-loving Moominpappa finds great pleasure in reading novels, particularly crime fiction. He has a special fondness for the works of Agatha Christie, the esteemed British detective novelist. If you share his enthusiasm for novels, you might want to explore some of her captivating writings!
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