【Tove Jansson唯一以姆明為主題嘅美術畫作】
對Tove Jansson有認識嘅讀者或者會知道,Tove一直有意地將佢嘅美術作品同姆明一族嘅世界分開,不過唯獨有一幅例外:The Källskär Painting (1960),係唯一一幅姆明主題嘅美術畫作。
早喺1950年代,姆明一族同Tove已經廣為人知,當時瑞典一個貴族Göran Åkerhielm都係佢Fans,佢想要一幅Tove嘅真跡掛喺屋企火爐上方。為咗達到目的,佢直接飛到芬蘭首都赫爾辛基拜訪Tove媽媽,邀請Tove同佢伴侶去一間高級餐廳用饍,繼而提出畫畫嘅委托。初時Tove拒絕將自己嘅美術畫作同姆明一族嘅世界混為一談,但最終佢都應承咗,最終成品有Fillyjonks做主角,配有懸崖、海怪等,而Tove同呢位貴族都因為呢次合作成為咗朋友。
【The only Moomin-themed painting by Tove Jansson】
As fans of Tove Jansson may know, she usually kept her art pieces separate from the world of Moomins. However, there is one exception: "The Källskär Painting" (1960), which is her only artwork with the Moomin theme.
🌍 As early as the 1950s, Tove and her Moomin illustration had gained widespread fame. One of her fans was a Swedish nobleman named Göran Åkerhielm, who desired to have an original Tove Jansson painting hanging above his fireplace Determined, Göran embarked on a journey to Helsinki, where he met Tove's mother and extended an invitation to Tove and her partner for a lavish dinner. Over a delectable feast, Göran requested a commission for the extraordinary painting. Initially hesitant, but Tove eventually agreed, crafting this breathtaking masterpiece featuring the Fillyjonks, surrounded by wild cliffs and a sea creature. Tove and Åkerhielm became friends after the commission.
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